What is the average per capita wage in your country 你们国家每人的平均工资是多少?
Swiss average per capita takes the world in foreign asset and investment the first 瑞士人均在国外资产和投资占世界第一位。
Although the average per capita income is quite low on the mainland , we are not backward in every field 我们大陆虽然人均收入水平低,但并不是样样都落后。
Obviously china ' s few average per capita expenditure on education could not even compare with uganda , an african poor country 可见中国的人均教育开支之少,连非洲穷国乌干达都比不上。
China , because of its huge population , has less than a quarter of the world ' s average per capita water capacity 对于我国,人口众多的国情造成了人均水资源拥有量不足世界平均水平四分之一的状况。
The average per capita disposable income reached 5610 yuan for city dwellers , the average per capita net income of rural residents rose to 2090 yuan 城镇居民人均可支配收入达到5610元,农村居民人均纯收日达到2090元。
Salary extends allow 1600 yuan to list the level that raise to be lunar average per capita in cost cost , exceed a share , need makes pay taxes adjust impose enterprise income tax 工资发放答应在成本费用中列支的标准为月人均1600元,超过部分,需要作纳税调整征收企业所得税。
Us attorney general ashcroft said that the online payment system indicated that the average per capita income of the disadvantaged groups decreased by nearly 10 % compared to the same period of last year 美国司法部长阿什克罗夫特说网上支付系统显示,弱势群体的人均可支配收入比去年同期下降了近百分之十。
Despite the soaring development , the basic characteristics of china ' s dairy industry chain have not changed fundamentally : 1 , average per capita consumption of dairy products per year in china is only 6 . 1 kg 乳业是联动种植业、养殖业、加工业、服务业的完整产业链,乳业振兴可以促进一、二、三产业的共同发展。